Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Board goes to work!

Riding the wave of excitement following its establishment, Heritage board sprung into action. This started with an official invitation to participate in board activities. I received the first official email from the board today. Here it is:

Dear All,

The first Heritage Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday 1/7/2009 @ 9:25pm.

The agenda is:

1. Discuss future meetings schedule
2. Go over the issues and prioritize
3. Make decisions on the most urgent issues
4. Assign action items

Please reply to this email and submit any issues you would like the board to discuss and take action on. Your issue will be documented and assigned a priority. The hearing date will be assigned according to the priority and you will be notified of the date.

Your participation is very important to Heritage

Heritage Board

It is exciting that now instead of holding back your issues, you can let it out. You can write an email to the board. I often worry that such email could be ignored. Not with this board. Here is what is going to happen to your issue:

First: It will get "documented!

It will be assigned a priority
A hearing date will be scheduled
according to priority

You will be notified of a date (I assume the hearing date) when you can present your issue to the board for consideration.

How wonderful and exciting! I think everyone in their right mind will embrace this exciting process.
However if it does not work for you for any reason, you can simply do what you did before and kvetch about your issue during kiddush or hazoras hashatz.

On a serious note
While some issues require a closed-door level of sensitivity, making most activities closed-door is a little over the top IMHO.

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