Sunday, January 25, 2009

Accelerating Geula in Hard Times + Technology

"The Zohar indicates that the mitzvah of shiluach hakain is instrumental in bringing about the ultimate geulah. When a mother bird is pained by being chased away from its nest, the angel in charge of the birds intercedes on its behalf and asks hashem to have pity on it. As a result, hashem has pity on his “nest”(Yerushalayim) that was destroyed, and his “children”(klal yisrael) who were exiled" or indicted on a number of charges and denied bail like Sholom Rubashkin.

There is some disagreement about an appropriate way to do this mitzva. Some say that it must be done regardless of one's desire to eat eggs some say the opposite. Perhaps this was a motivation that caused Sholom Rubashkin to have two birdhouses (see picture), so he could be Yotzi b-kol schitas and secure speedy release from federal authorities.

I downloaded the picture from an article on the shturem site that calls for Monday 01/26/2009 to be a day filled with tefila and tehilim on behalf of Sholom Rubashkin. This popular Lubavicth site proclaims 01/26/2009 as a day of fasting and tefila. This proclamation is concrete step to alliviate a shortage of celebrated dates in Chabad organization. The storm of heavens is supposed to start in NY at the Rabbi's Ohel. Sholom Rubashkin has done an outstanding service to Jewish Community alledgedly not letting even American Law to stand in the way of helping Jews to achieve greater financial independece.

Some of the persecution arguments for denying bail have been a focus of criticism. Specifically
Israel's "Law of Return" that gives citizenship to any Jew making aliya was sited as a reason to deny bail. If this argument stands than all Jews would become a subject to a tougher bail requirements in US. On the other hand, a couple of Rubashkin's partners have already fled to Israel to avoid persecution in US because of the dubious extradition rules in Israel. Persecutors also alledge that Rubashkin was "ready to flee" when apprehended, which they gathered from the fact that Rubashkins had $17,000 in cash on hand and family documents and heirlooms packaged in a bag. While situation is complicated, it is unfortunate that the father of 10 is kept away from his family during preparation for the trial.

Not to finish on the sad note, technology desk of shturem reports new advances in remote farbrengen that are poised to open up new telecommuting opportunities for Rabbis and Jews across the globe. Virtual farbrengen is here to save the day. One on one with a bottle of mashke can make for a depressing evening; not so when you can join thousands of like-minded Lubavitchers around the world.

This post is dedicated to the Zchus and Aliya of neshama of Benjamin (Bugsy) Seagal zt"l whos untimely passing did not allow him to see creation and development of the thriving Las Vegas jewish community.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Whipple school meeting scheduling snag overcome

Many residents of West Rogers Park were upset when they learned that the community meeting about upcoming Whipple school was to be held on Wednesday 1/14 @ 7 pm in Beis Yitzhak. Timing of the event caused suspicion because alderman Bernard Stone set it to the same day, as the annual Kvetchathon of Rogers Park. Hoping for the light attendance due to kvetchathon Stone must have looked forward to an easy proceeding. However, concerned about education of their kids, kvetchaton contestants incorporated competition into the meeting itseld and were able to combine both events.

Bernie himself started the meeting wearing a yarmulke, however he removed it shortly before the meeting got underway, as an admission that he will not pass the kvetching qualifier.

Everything started very orderly. Stone addressed the community with vigor that was surprising for a septuagenarian (80 yo +). He was very lucid and apparently aware of his surroundings. Meeting organizers brought various responsible specialists from Public Building Comission of Chicago. Traffic Planner, Architect, Foreman, Project Manager, School Planning Guy and an Indian dude switching slides were present. Also present were 60 or so frum yiddin and 2 or so potential parents.

Meeting started only 5 minutes late and the first request was to hold off with questions and comments until the end of the presentations. Surprisingly community adhered to this request for almost 5 seconds. Presenters disregarded out-of order questions and went through material rather swiftly. After presentation was over people lined up to ask questions. Most questions were asked by the members of the Jewish community and adhered to a kvetch association approved forms / templates listed below:
  • How dare you __________[ ...... 5 min of hq kvetching here] NO I DID NOT INTERRUPT YOU .... dont you DARE to .......
  • If you had any intelligence you would ______________________
  • I have never heard ____________________________
The issues raised included the following:
  1. Street parking that will be used by school staff, visitors because of insufficient 30 space parking space in school.
  2. Unruly gangs of elementary school students descending on Chepewa park.
  3. General goishe invasion and transit through an otherwise perfect Jewish ghetto.
  4. Traffic jams caused by parents descending on school for Erev Shira.
  5. All exists leading to Whipple and forcing all this goishe traffic onto a single quiet street.
Some additional issues raised were:
  • What would happen if the whole Whipple street was completely on fire (molten lava, or a nuclear bomb perhaps?) and both exits used by FD on whipple were blocked by rubble.
  • Why can't the school dig through to Kedzie irrespective of private property.
Another issue was scheduling of one of the preliminary meeting on Jewish Yom Tov. People accused administration and Stone specifically in being blind and stupid for doing that. My personal impression, given the display on Wednesday meeting is that scheduling meeting on Yom Tov was a brilliant move to get anything

In general this meeting gave us a preview of how horrible it would be had Naisy Dollar won the aldermanic election. If this is what Jewish alderman is doing to us, a goishe
woman would definately start pogroms. Once I am at it, a big thanks for the empty buildings on Wallen Drive, our substandard Public Library, trashy streets and great prices on Haj Travel available on Devon Ave.

So thanks to all of those who campaigned so hard for good old Bernie!

Security innovation creates dedication opportunities

In light of recent vandalism against Jewish institutions of Chicago and financial pressures, Heritage RJC implemented a new security measure. In a ceremony that was well covered by local news media and attended by local government officials, a security device was placed on the collection box. Ribbon-cutting was performed by Chicago mayor Richard Daily.

New padlock secures the treasure in the pushka and provides many much-lacking sponsorship opportunities. Some experts speculate that this innovation points to the future direction of improvements and investments in the shul. According to anonymous sources a chain that would secure the pushka could be a next in series of improvements with traps and hidden cameras installation following soon in the 2nd quarter. Each one of these will provide new sponsorhip opportunities while enhancing overall security of the organization.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New sponsorship option offers better value

Board has reached a decision about changes in overall kiddush strategy.
In response to dwindling (but unknown) supply of money coming into shul's coffers it has been decided to change the cost and structure of kiddush sponsorship. Instead of just sponsoring kiddush you can (have to) now sponsor an entire Shabbos. Of course this higher-level honor comes at a premium to previous less glorious kiddush sponsorship package.
Board was able however to keep the price increase to a minimum, by adding just $180 or 100% to the price of the existing package. The value difference however is immeasurable as summarized in the following table:

Kiddush OnlyEntire Shabbos sponsorship
Length of Time1 hour25 hours
Mitzvas D'Oraisa01+ (there are many additional mitzvas from Torah that one can do in order to increase the value of your investment)
Zchus PointsLimited
All (there are opinions that observance of Shabbos is equivalent to observance of all mitzvos)

As you can see new package offers a much better value.

It is said that tzedakah is the best tool to use in order to increase / secure one's income. Because of that it is a good news that economic slowdown has not impacted finances or reserves of the members of the shul B"H, just the shul itself. An old saying claims that "there is no atheist in the foxhole". Well apparently "foxhole" feeling has not reached the members of Heritage, otherwise the purse would be bursting at the seams.

Board as well does not anticipate economic impact at member's households, because of it did, they would try to maximize saving by curbing spending across-the-board: outlays from shul as well as outlays from members.

Tips on extracting the maximum value from new package:
  • Try to do as many mitzvas on the Shabbos that you are sponsoring to get more out of it. Also try to encourage others to do mitzvas.
  • Try to delay Seuda Shlishi as long as possible and cause shul to end Shabbos as late as possible, this will increase your value as the time of the mitzva increases.
  • Try to peddle various honors to other member or people passing in front of the shul for money to recoup some or all costs, its your Shabbos.
  • Ask everyone on the way home "How are you?" when they say "Good" reply, "I am glad to hear it, because today's Shabbos is sponsored by me"
On a serious note
Board could do better than the proposed change. A better multi-pronged approach would be to reduce costs of kiddush / Shabbos, in combination with a more modest increase in sponsorhip cost. This less drastic change could better be absorbed by community. Here is an example of what it could look like:
Non-sponsored configuration
  • Default cholent to parve ($30 savings)
  • Do away with cakes ($30 savings)
  • Cheaper(est) disposable plates ($5 savings)
  • No fruits / no cutting prep expense ($15 savings)
  • Matzah only shalosh seudos ($25 savings)
Attach your name to kiddush: $220
Total Savings + increase in sponsorhip cost: $145

Sponsored configuration
same as above, however sponsor can improve the kiddush as follows:
  • Adding meat or herring to cholent (actual cost + procurement cost)
  • Any other imbelishments (subject to shul rules) actual cost
Soviet expatriots are more likely to react negatively to any change. A plan similar to the one above would minimize a chance of such resentment.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Heritage Board Meeting Report

January 8th 2009 will have a special place in history as a date of the first meeting of the Board of Directors for Heritage Russian Jewish Congregation (RJC). I was not able to attend due to prior obligations, however, I received a detailed account of what happened from an anonymous but extremely reliable source.

Main points in a nutshell:
  • The meeting was conducted in a civilized and diplomatic manner with no shouting, name-calling or condemnations.
  • Aside from the fact that only two non-board members attended the meeting, which demonstrated the un-ending support for Heritage, the Board was not able to contain some of its participants from making derogatory comments and the like. Light non-board attendance could be caused by an earlier email that appeared to suggest that the only mode of communication with the board is a good old "email, take a number, get a hearing" approach
Reflecting on what transpired at the meeting I want to suggest a few pointers for the future:
  1. Individuals wishing to run for the board should be subject to a campaign in the form of at least a Candidates Night, where they would present themselves and explain how exactly they will be able to contribute to the shul.
  2. Individuals receiving any type of monetary compensation from Heritage should not be part of the board and should not participate in the board meetings aside from answering questions asked by board members and presenting a monthly progress report if request by the board.
  3. All persons receiving monetary compensation from Heritage and holding a supervisory position within the congregation should be present at the board meeting upon the request of the board in order to answer all applicable questions and provide necessary reports.
  4. Each meeting should begin or end with "member time", where ten to fifteen minutes will be allocated to issues and/or concerns from non-board meeting participants.
  5. Any negative verbal exchange between the Board and non-member participants or between non-member participants should be strictly moderated and not permitted.
  6. Any discussions, contract issues, etc., should be documented at each meeting in writing and made available in the form of minutes to everyone via either the Heritage blog or on paper at the following meeting.
  7. The Board should be aware of ALL financial matters pertaining to Heritage and have a paid appointed individual, which I believe is on Heritage payroll, who would be responsible for reporting all financial figures.
  8. If the board has private issues, which they wish to discuss privately, that can be done in an executive session following the Board meeting.
As they say in the old country: "Первый блин всегда комом". Here is to a better tomorrow!
(this post is from an independent contributor and does not represent the view of the Heritage Times)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Board goes to work!

Riding the wave of excitement following its establishment, Heritage board sprung into action. This started with an official invitation to participate in board activities. I received the first official email from the board today. Here it is:

Dear All,

The first Heritage Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday 1/7/2009 @ 9:25pm.

The agenda is:

1. Discuss future meetings schedule
2. Go over the issues and prioritize
3. Make decisions on the most urgent issues
4. Assign action items

Please reply to this email and submit any issues you would like the board to discuss and take action on. Your issue will be documented and assigned a priority. The hearing date will be assigned according to the priority and you will be notified of the date.

Your participation is very important to Heritage

Heritage Board

It is exciting that now instead of holding back your issues, you can let it out. You can write an email to the board. I often worry that such email could be ignored. Not with this board. Here is what is going to happen to your issue:

First: It will get "documented!

It will be assigned a priority
A hearing date will be scheduled
according to priority

You will be notified of a date (I assume the hearing date) when you can present your issue to the board for consideration.

How wonderful and exciting! I think everyone in their right mind will embrace this exciting process.
However if it does not work for you for any reason, you can simply do what you did before and kvetch about your issue during kiddush or hazoras hashatz.

On a serious note
While some issues require a closed-door level of sensitivity, making most activities closed-door is a little over the top IMHO.

Travels to Parallel Universes

I have always considered a possibility of existence of worlds parallel to ours. What if there is another world just like this one where I am taking a break from work B.logging on my computer, and by taking this action or another I split the reality into two or three or … and so on. It was always believed that getting involved with cosmology, physics, astronomy, philosophy, transpersonal psychology, quantum physics and fiction were the only domains to encounter parallel universes. However, as it turns out there are people right now who have found a way to live in this multi-universe reality and are pursuing this lifestyle to one degree or another.

What’s the secret? How do I do it?


There is just one step: Get offended!

You can get offended at any of the following:
  • Your friend.
  • Your neighbor.
  • Your spouse.
  • Your child.
  • Your parents.
  • Your teacher.

The possibilities are endless. By getting offended you are establishing an implicit parallel universe where someone could have acted in a way that would not have wronged you in some way. The added benefit is that you can cut off communication with the party responsible for offense, while placing yourself beyond reproach. The deeper and more irreconcilable the expression of your offended condition is, the livelier is the parallel universe.

There are some that say that hurt feelings in most cases are nothing but hurt egos, a little Gaiva. Some radicals, like Rav Asher Kushner even coined a great term in Russian – «Недодали!» - which means something like “under-compensated.” Some go even further by formulating whole systems to eradicate parallel universe travelers. Byron Katie, a self help author, created a whole structure to deal with life. I read her book called "Loving What Is". By reading I mean, I read the ½ page of introduction, 5 first paragraphs and a quick glance at index in the back. There she places things of concern and care in three categories:
  • My business
  • Other people business
  • God’s business
She claims that unhappiness comes as a result of people operating outside of their realm of influence (for most of you readers it is “My Business”). As elegant as this theory may be, at no point does she consider the benefits and happiness that can be achieved by living in the parallel universe, that comes from trying to operate in realms outside of “My Business”. Dwelling on thoughts like “How could she do this to me” or “Who do they think they are!!” or “I deserve better treatment” especially in settings where your response actions are limited could put you on a path to marvelous parallel universes where everything is perfect and you are the epitome of perfection.

To help you get on the road to another universe here are some templates to start getting offended:
  1. When I asked for ________ it was a no go, however when _______ asked for it, suddenly it is no problem
  2. After all I have done the least [they / he / she] could do ____________
  3. I deserve better than this
  4. I will teach [them / him / her] a lesson _________________
  5. All [they / he / she] cares about is __________________
  6. I always get the short end of the stick
Create your own!!

Some other tips in finding a quick path to another universe:
  • Be on the constant lookout for any intentional or unintentional harm no matter how large and small caused to you
  • Always be conscious of every contribution you made to any entity, to be ready to explode at any sign of bad treatment coming from it
  • Assume that taking care of you is on top of everyone’s mind and get angry fast at any manifestation of the contrary
  • Assume that your needs and desires represent the needs of everyone in the group, and you are doing everyone a service by publicly manifesting your level of being offended

* Caution: some techniques discussed here might involve a use of Loshon Hara which could jeopardize the placement of your lot in the world to come according to some opinions. Consult your Rav before engaging in any exercises mentioned above.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cholent Strategy - an interest group initiative

There has been some changes implemented in the meat allocation formula used for cholent meat purchases. Under the new formula the amount of meet in shul's cholent has been reduced from previous range of 4 to 8 pounds to a new lower range of 3 to 4 pounds. Health hazards of cholent have been known for many years. However, change in meet allocation has been implemented not as a result of a health concern, but as a result of broader initiative to conserve financial resources of the shul.

One more thing that is important to keep in mind is that cholent is not paid for by community funds, but is entirely paid for by a certain community member. Members should be free to decide to increase or lower their contribution levels and we can not mandate for the person to contribute at the same level, especially if there are ways to make the cholent cost less.

There are different aspects in making a policy decision on this subject. Here they are in no particular order:
1 . The Cost
The cost of preparing meat cholent is roughly as follows:
$40 for the meat
$2 Onions
$4 Premium Potatoes
$1 Stake Sauce
$12 two kishkes
$2 Barley
$2 Other beans
$4 Sweet potatoes
$7 Other
Which comes out to about $70-80.

Replacing meat with herring would lower that cost by $7-10. Another option is going Parve (which also means low-protein) and adjuts the recipie to a high-end parve edition that attempts to use good taste to compensate for the lack of meat or fish. Parve edition could easily reduce the cost by $30 per week ($1,500 per year).

2 . Competitiveness to attract and retain people attending
It would be very far fetched to think that anyone would pick their shul affiliation based on cholent only. However availability of premium cholent can have an important place in helping one to make a decision on which organization to attend on Shabbos. This becomes especially important in the competitive shul environment, which Touhy ave. has become.

3. The Benefit To Community
It is nice to eat nice hot and yummy cholent on Sabbath. It is not presence of meat or herring that is really important, it is the fact that the food is tasty. Meat and fish have gained popularity amongst humans as a sure and easy route to making your food taste good. However, theoretically it might be possible to achieve premium taste without the use of these (expensive) ingridients.

So here are the options:
  1. Do nothing and continue making meat cholent
  2. Lower meat content to save cost
  3. Replace meat with parve + herring
  4. Attempt to make a superrior parve cholent, offer meat or herring as an option to sponsors for an additional fee.

I have had a pleasure of eating a premium parve cholent @ Gertzberg's house. This has happened twice on separate Shabothes. I propose try switching to Premium Parve!

I think this reasonably, addresses all of the aforementioned concerns. However if you find faults in my reasoning or assumpations, or have other simple and inexpensive solutions that also do not require much additional effort, please post here and we will discuss it before board comes to session, so we can come to the board with a reasonable proposal as involved and concerned shul members.